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The Big Braces Reveal!

 Presenting . . . my new look for the next 12-14 months! And a close-up for you! Now, I know you’re thinking Sarah, what is UP with that brace placement? It looks like the orthodontist was drunk when they put them on! Yes, indeed. They are pretty bizarre looking with the front ones so...

Expect The Unexpected

While my body has always had a host of issues (see recent postings), I always knew I could count on my teeth to come through for me. In my 44 years I’ve never had a single cavity, got to keep my wisdom teeth, never had braces, nor had a bad report at a checkup. I’ve always felt good...

When It Rains, It Pours

Hello friends – It’s been a long three weeks of sitting, though I’ve greatly appreciated the change of scenery when the weather permitted me to take up residence outside. Amazing what a difference a little time in the sun can make! Today marks the three-week anniversary of my...

Sarah’s Surgery Recap Part 2:The Big Wound Reveal

Hello everyone! I’m back after the most BORING WEEK EVER of doing this. It wasn’t even fun being waited on by my amazing caretaker, Nicholas. I just wanted to do things for myself. SIGH. I guess we all knew I was never going to be a good ‘Netflix and Chill’ kind of person… Yesterday...

Where We've Lived

  • 6 Countries Lived In
  • 10 Years Living Overseas
  • 14 Years in the Foreign Service
  • 6 Continents Visited
  • 28 Countries Visited

Where We've Travelled