Hello all, please indulge me for a moment and allow me to gush about my most recent pleasure, The Spa. I know that I’ve written about this before, but I haven’t really given you a run-down on the entire experience. I’m sure you think my attendance is a bit excessive (and perhaps it is) but our insurance covers 30 massages at $30 a piece each year as a wellness benefit. So if you do the math, I still have 27 to get in before the end of this year!
So here goes…I’ve been to the spa four times since July 1st. One pedicure, one Aromatherapy Massage and two Hilot Massages. The Hilot is the most memorable, so I’ll walk you through that experience. Nick and I did a couple’s massage last night. When we arrive, we pay our $25 per person at the front door and then ascend the steps you see above to the prep area. Men to the left, ladies to the right. Inside, you are handed a robe and invited to strip down. They Filipino attendants point you in the direction of the Steam room to start which is then followed up by a shower. Next is another waiting room in which you’re given ginger tea until being taken to your suite.
My name was called and I was led to my room, where Nick was already getting positioned on the massage table. The room evoked that fabulous Thai feel – dark wood, candles, aromatic perfumes, light linens. Just stunning – I didn’t want to close my eyes. The Hilot is a traditional Filipino massage. There are 2 aspects that make it quite unique:
- The massage therapists use coconut oil on your body (which smells fantastic, by the way). In addition though, before they put in on your body they warm their hands over a square configuration of 12 tea-light candles, so that each time they rub a body part moving heat sensations tickle your skin. I can’t even tell you how grand this is!
- When they are doing your arms and legs, they place a coconut oil-soaked banana leaf across your back and then top it with warm volcanic stones so that your middle is soothed and warm while they’re working on your arms and legs.
Can you see why I’m such a fan?? And it just goes on and on… for 75 minutes. Perhaps the only adjustment is that they’re a bit more open with touch here than in America spas. Bellies, behinds and chests are all fair game here, although they will ask you if it’s okay first. For those coming to visit, this is a must-do experience….And it will give me another reason to go that week! I promise, no more mentions of the spa for at least two more posts!
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