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Sarah Novak

Nia @ 7 Months

Can you believe it?  Little Nia is 7 months old!  Where did the time go… My little girl is getting big – and FEISTY!  :)  She refused to sit or lay on her back long enough for me to get more than a few pictures of the sticker.  She’s very keen on tummy time right...

The Good, the Bad and the Bizarre

Well folks.  One week down, 103 to go.  As with any new place I arrive in, there’s always a few things I love, a few things I hate and a few things that just make me scratch my head in bewilderment.  Without further ado, here’s my list of The Good, the Bad and the Bizzarre of Lima...

Taxi Cab Adventures

On Thursday Nia and I took our first taxi cab ride (our car won’t get here for 3 more months).  Sounds simple, but as with most things in a 3rd world country, it proves to be far more difficult than it appears on the surface. The first thing to note is that most cabs don’t have...

To Hold or Not to Hold, That is The Question

As I’ve mentioned before, Nia is VERY popular here.  Almost too popular, if I’m being honest (although who am I to shy away from attention).  This outpouring of love for her shows up in a variety of ways, most of which would make an American parent squirm.  Today, for...

Nia Tries Out A Swing

Nia had a chance to go on her first swing yesterday!  Here are a few shots that captured the fun.  Hope to have another post up soon, still no internet at our house though and Nia hasn’t been very cooperative at the cafe in the morning.  Thanks for following our adventures all...

What You’ve All Been Waiting For . . . A Tour of Our Lima Home

Here is is folks, a look at Casa Novak.  We’ll start with the front door – please note the glass door (to offer us as much light as possible in this sunless place), the metal bars, wooden door and outer wall.  8 locks between the outer front door, inner front door and gate...

The Formidable Fortress (aka Embassy Lima)

You know me, I’m not much for wasting time.  Might as well just jump right in.  I woke up Friday morning feeling energized and ready to see the town.  Nia and I started our day with a walk to “our café”, where we met Janeth (pronounced Ha-Net), our server.  She was quite taken...

And So It Begins…

Hola from Peru!  It’s been a chaotic 48 hours of transit and orientation to our new life as Limeños.  I had forgotten how humbling it is to struggle with communication and completing basic tasks.  That being said, small wins (like successfully ordering a latte), make you feel like a...

It’s Moving Day!

Well, what do you know?!  It’s Moving Day at Apartamento Novak!  We are not-so-patiently awaiting the arrival of the movers, at which point chaos will ensue.  Here’s a snapshot of what our place looks like at the moment. Above: The Air Freight (cross your fingers that...

Baptism Mania

It was a wild weekend here on the home front.  We are a mere one week from our international move now and for some reason (back in January) we thought it’d be a grand idea to schedule Nia’s baptism in the midst of all our shopping and packing.  Chaos adds to the fun...

Nia @ 6 months

So, my subject wasn’t into our 6 month photo shoot.  She was too distracted by the sound of all that rushing water behind her.  Mistake number 2 was shooting at 3 o’clock in the afternoon in high sun.  Oops . . I guess I should feel lucky that I got any shots at...

New Tricks!

We’ve got new tricks to show off.  In video 1 – pushing up onto our hind legs.  In video 2 – “fake chewing”.

Another Craig’s List Home Run!

Greetings all – We’re less than 30 days out from Peru now and the reason you never hear from me is that every spare moment is going into our pack-out preparations.  Any advantage I’d have this time around as a veteran is more than mitigated by the fact that we now...

Nia Tries Big People Food

Tonight we had our first go at solid foods.  Nia sampled both pureed Pears and a Mum Mum, which is a Rice Paper flatbread.  Nia made a big ole mess and wasn’t too sure what she thought about it all.  She’s nearly 6 months now, so we plan to start adding this in on a daily...

I love my feet!

Here’s Nia doing her new favorite thing – playing with her feet!  I found these great Lamaze “Feet Finder” rattles to make her play twice as fun…

Nia @ 5 Months

Well, here she is in all her drooling glory!  We garnered quite a few looks from the passing Business People as we went about our afternoon ‘photo shoot’ in front of an office building that had this lovely bed of tulips!  I mean, how could I not shoot there...

Sheer Brilliance: Mommy & Me Movie Days

Nia and I recently started attending Mommy & Me Movie Days at the Regal Potomac Yard Theater in Alexandria.  They take place every other Tuesday for the first showing of the day (usually around 1 PM).  There is one designated Mommy & Me movie on that day and the movie selection...

Check Out Our New Peruvian Home!

In the life of a Foreign Service Spouse, there are certain involuntary breath-holding moments that occur in response to the ambiguity of this lifestyle.  One of those moments is the day you get a post assignment.  The other is the day you get your housing assignment.  As you might...

The Emotions Manifesto (Raw and Uncut)

Stats don’t lie. Consider this: One in two marriages end in divorce¹ One third of adults are obese² One in five adults smoke³ Nearly half the US Population has a chronic disease† Over fifty percent of adults report that they are unhappy with their lives‡ Many of us can rattle...

Nia @ 4 Months

We’ve hit the 4 month mark!  We celebrated this milestone by retiring the first of our 3-6 month clothes that she’s already outgrown.  Our little girl is growing steadily – she’s 14 1/2 pounds (75th percentile) and 24.5 inches (60th percentile).  Her happy-go...

Afro-Inspiration on a Manic Monday

No lie, this African-inspired version of Coldplay’s Paradise by the Piano Guys is hypnotically entrancing.  I hope you delight in it as much as I did.  It’s hard not to feel your spirit lift when taking in all that beauty!  Sure hope a trip to Africa is somewhere in my...

The First 100 Days: Our Top 5 Most-beloved Items

We are pleased to report that we made it (mostly unscathed) through the first 100 days with our little one.  We attribute our success to 1.) Our parents’ assistance, 2.) Caffeine and 3.) These 5 Amazing Products.  I’m not one to keep great things a secret, so bookmark this...

Nia Rolls Over!

Big week in the Novak house – Nia has learned to roll at 14 weeks old!  What amuses us most about this is that she has to get really agitated before she’ll start contorting her body enough to do a complete roll.  The not-so-amusing part is that she hasn’t yet figured...

A Tasty Tuesday Morning Treat

Love the contrast in this video: The lyrics tell the story of suffering and separation while the ensemble models collaboration and connection.  No wonder it’s been watched over 42 million times already!  BRAVO!  A shout out to Kate for introducing it to me.

Living at 100%

Yowzers, what a week!  I just got back from a mind-blowing 6 day Leadership Retreat in beautiful (and rainy!) Sonoma, California.  The course was an advanced Leadership Program put on by my Coaching School, the Coaches Training Institute (CTI).  It was a live-in program that started at...

A New Parenting Low

So we started at the gym this week.  I was beyond excited to find a place that would accept an 10 week old.  I’m allowed to leave her for one hour, which is the perfect amount of time for me to do a class (or so I thought).  Unfortunately, Nia isn’t so keen on being in...

My 2012 Theme Song

Every year I choose a theme song to help keep me focused on what I want the year to bring.  However, the problem with this year is that I feel so unfocused that I can’t even select a theme word for my year (last year was INSPIRED ACTION and my song was No Day But Today from Rent)...

Gearing Up for Lima

When we’re in the States, it’s easy to get lulled into the familiar routine and forget that we’re heading back overseas soon.  By the time we leave in May, I’ll have been here for almost a year and Manila seems but a distant memory.  In fact, with all the Nia...

A Newseum New Year

Much like Christmas, our New Year’s Celebration had a bit of a different feel to it this year.  The biggest difference would be that it all took place on New Year’s Eve DAY since we knew we’d be fast asleep by 9 o’clock that night and too sleepy to party the night...

A Christmas Feast for the Eyes

It was a very DC Christmas for us this year.  Nick wasn’t allowed to take any vacation days during his language training, so we spent the holiday in DC instead of traveling to see our families.  Thankfully, this lifestyle has taught us how to make do with whatever circumstances...

Sending Holiday Wishes from DC!

Just wanted to share one of my favorite holiday songs with you to celebrate.  It’s not very well-known, so perhaps you’ll love it so much that you’ll have to add it to your collection!  Wishing you all a wonderful holiday, wherever you may be…

An Early Miller Christmas

Since Nia and I are spending Christmas Day with Nick in DC, we celebrated early with the Miller family.  Nia was the belle of the ball in her new Christmas dress (and by new I mean ‘new to us’ – that’s right, this Baby Gap beauty was $4 at a Garage sale)! We had a...

Nia’s Nervous System Checks Out

Friday was a big day for little Nia.  It was her first visit to see Dr. Tonnie at Wellness Wave.  As many of you know, I’ve been doing Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) with Tonnie for several years now.  My work with her has helped me eliminate my chronic back pain, deal with my...

Merry Christmas to Me!

One of the biggest things that has surprised me about Motherhood is how draining simple things like diapering, feeding and rocking can be.  None of them requires much brainpower, but the energy expended in caring for a little life is way more depleting then I ever would have imagined...

A Story in Pictures: Nia Goes to Baby Yoga

“Hey, where are we?  Who are all these other babies?  I’m going to be extra cute to make sure I get noticed!” “This yoga stuff is a piece of cake.  All I have to do is lay here.” “Hey, give me back my arm!  It wasn’t meant to twist like that...

The Year of the Mocha

Every year I select an ornament that captures something representative of the year.  It gives me a way to collect meaningful ornaments for our tree and also helps me remember the major events.  I was in Caribou Coffee the other day with Nia and came across this adorable Caribou ornament...

What Goes In Must Come Out

We are in the habit of making videos for Nick each day.  This one was so good I thought we’d share it with a wider audience!
Warning: Projectile Vomiting at min 00:25.  Watch at your own risk…

Nia’s Photo Shoot Results

Well, we finally got Nia’s Photo Shoot proofs back.  Actually, they were better than I expected given how uncooperative she was.  You can see all 16 final shots HERE.  Would love to hear which are your favorites.

Nia Meets Her Aunties

Nia got to meet her Minnesota Aunties for the first time this past weekend.  They’re helping me take care of her while I get a hang of this parenting thing.

Auntie Emily

Auntie Beth

Auntie Jenna

Hit and Sob

So last night I decided to make my first solo trip out to Target to get some miscellaneous baby items I needed in Minnesota.  My Mom was happy to watch Nia for a bit and I was excited to get out after what felt like a successful day of Mothering.  I was flying high, finally feeling like...

So Much for the Baby Photo Shoot

Oh friends, it’s starting to become laughable how many things have not gone according to plan.  Of course, I’m still shedding a few tears over each miss but I expect that I’ll eventually get to laughing about it, right? Pretty sure part of my problem is that I hold...

Calling in the Reinforcements

So, I’m afraid I’ve hit my max.  With a diagnosis of Shingles yesterday, a dead car battery today and Nick going back to work on Monday it’s just not looking so optimistic for Mama Sarah.  The Shingles particularly worries me because although it’s not painful yet...

Nia’s First Outing

I was starting to go a bit stir crazy in the house and decided it was time for Nia and I to take our first outing (Dr’s visits don’t count).  It was a WILD adventure.  We started by going through the underground in an exciting tunnel… and ended up at Caribou Coffee...

Nia @ 1 Week: An Update from the Trenches

It’s hard to believe, but Nia turns one week old today!  As most parents would attest to, it’s been a complete and total blur.  Nothing could have prepared me for the delusional state that results from the lack of sleep and intense hormones!  We’re just taking it 1...

Baby Nia Makes Her Grand Entrance

We are delighted to announce that after a 14 hour labor, we welcomed a healthy baby girl into our family.  Her name is Nia Marisa Novak and she weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz.  She was 20 inches in length and born at 12:39 PM in the afternoon on Saturday, October 22nd (we went into labor at...

FINALLY, Some Progress!

So, tomorrow (October 21st) is my official due date.  I had what I **HOPE** will be my last Doctor appointment this morning and was THRILLED to finally get some uplifting news.  Here’s what we found out: I am 1 cm dilated! I am 50% effaced (that’s where the cervix thins out...