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Sarah Novak

The Long-Awaited Gender Result…

Baby Novak’s Brain! (a top view) As you all know, I’m quite impatient in general, so this whole baby gender thing has been on my mind since we found out we were pregnant 11 weeks ago.  Thankfully, Nick also had a desire to know early (and was okay with me telling the...

A Photobook: Our First Year in Manila!

How freakin’ cool is this that I can share our photobook online?!?  Nick made this one, but I’m on Year 2 (which will be released sometime in the next month).  Hope you enjoy it! PS – We HIGHLY recommend Blurb for making Photobooks.  Inexpensive, good...

A Non-chocolate Easter Treat

Happy Easter to all my friends and family around the world!!  Please enjoy one of my favorite Easter songs of all time: Glad’s The Easter Song.

Squatter Village Fire Near Our Home Leaves 10,000 Homeless

On Tuesday at 12 noon Nick and I watched as a massive black cloud began to rise from an area called Guadalupe, which is part of Makati City (where we live) and blocks from where many of our Rockwell-residing friends live.  We found out later that a squatter village burned to the ground...

Sarah Gets Medevac’d

So last week I had the chance to go on my first-ever Medevac for the Foreign Service.  The term sounds a little scary and that’s because usually it is just that – A Medical Evacuation.  Medevacs are used when appropriate Medical care for your condition cannot be...

Animal Lovin’ at the Singapore Zoo

I’m well aware that I owe you a MAJOR apology for not posting for the last week.  It’s just that I’ve been so damn tired and I had to go on Medevac to Singapore for 3 days (more on that in my next post – nothing to worry about).  I was thinking the best way to...

Me and Energy Healing

I’m all about trying new alternative therapies (especially after having such amazing results with Network Spinal Analysis a few years back), so when my friend Selina suggested I check out an Energy Healer she had visited in Manila, I was all for it. I wasn’t sure what to...

Putting the Cool Back in Marching Band (like it ever left!)

I don’t know about you, but I get such a kick out of OK Go’s music videos.  They always have such a fresh, creative element in them.  This one is no different, featuring the Notre Dame Marching Band.  I suppose this would be a good time to share with you that for all 4...

Hot New Release from Sam

This is a nice combo: Favorite Song of the Moment + Favorite Up-And-Coming-Singer.  Sam Tsui hasn’t been releasing much lately, so I was glad to see this one come through.  Pretty sure you’re gonna love it!

Best of the Philippines Part 2: Travel and Experiences

Bohol Beach Club This is my second and final installation of ‘Best of the Philippines’ where I sum up all I’ve learned in the last 21 months of living here.  I know you’ll put it to good use and I encourage you to pass it along to other ‘newbies’ in...

Best of the Philippines Part 1: Food and Services

It’s hard to believe, but it’s T-minus 3 months until I leave Manila for good.  As one of my parting gifts to you, my loyal blog readers, I’d like to bestow upon you a list of my Manila faves.  You never know when you’ll be moving to or visiting the...

Secret Millionaire: My New Addiction

Honestly, I can’t say enough good things about ABC’s new show Secret Millionaire.  I first heard about the show through my coaching network, as several of the Millionaires are motivational speakers or coaches I’ve followed for a long time.  I knew I’d immediately...

Back Behind the Lens!

After MANY, MANY weeks of being cooped up in the house, my dear friends Andrea and Brian took pity on me and invited me on an overnight with their family down to San Pablo (Nick was busy working all weekend, so I would have been all alone).  San Pablo is one of my favorite places and I...

Baby Novak at 9 Weeks: Our Little Gummy Bear

If you remember back just 3 short weeks ago, Baby Novak was a 1/4 inch, lentil-sized blob with a little flicker of a heartbeat in the middle.  Fast forward 3 weeks and we’ve got a 1 inch, grape-sized gummy bear, complete with arms and legs (and what we think is an above-average...

A Monday Morning Treat

Good morning all!  I have a DELICIOUS treat in store for you today. . . The 25th Anniversary of the musical Les Miserables was celebrated in London this past December.  Not only did this magnificent tribute feature the current London cast (including Nick Jonas of the Jonas...

Baby Novak’s New Wheels & Other Baby Updates

So here’s how we’re divvying up the overwhelming amount of baby-related information to learn in Novak land.  It’s really quite simple, I take care of anything that has to do with my body, including: Pregnancy Health/Nutrition Birth/Labor Breastfeeding Nick gets...

Maria Goes Gaga

A couple weeks ago, I shared the touching story of Maria Aragon, a 10 year old girl who caught Lady Gaga’s eye with her down-tempo version of Gaga’s new single Born That Way.  Maria’s YouTube version went viral when Gaga tweeted a link to Maria’s video plus the...

An Inspiration to All

Awhile back I wrote about Chris Medina, whose story I fell in love with on Idol Season 10.  I was instantly captivated by the unconditional love that radiates from him and the message he so BOLDLY put out into the world.  Although he isn’t in the top 24 on Idol, his...

Pregnancy is Anything but **Magical**

I feel misled.  I was told that pregnancy was magical.  And I believed it – hook, line and sinker.  I was ready to GLOW from within and feel an INSTANT BOND with my unborn fetus.  Instead, I am miserable.  Today I went so far as to try and barter my 7 week...

Baby Novak and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

There’s nothing like a little end-of-the-week baby scare to get a soon-to-be-parent’s heart beating faster… Earlier in the week on Tuesday morning I had a bit of dark spotting (for those not as familiar with pregnancy, blood = bad). I texted the doctor (how cool is that...

Photoshop Day 2: Masks, Borders and Color Correction

Can I just say that I am thoroughly enjoying my Photoshop Class and all the cool new tricks I can apply to my photos.  And no, I do not consider that ‘cheating’, it is merely ENHANCING the beauty of the shot.  You’ve still got to get the shot in the first place –...

Joy in the Park

Last Saturday I had the privilege of having an impromptu photo shoot with these lovely little girls who were playing in Fort Santiago.  The photos were simply stunning and as I was uploading them to my computer, I couldn’t help but think how fun it would be to print out a batch...

The Power of Role Models: A Filipina Superstar in the Making

Dearest blog readers – This story is way too heartwarming NOT to pass along.  Allow me to introduce you to Maria Aragon, YouTube’s newest singing sensation.  Her version of Lady Gaga’s Born This Way has racked up over 4 million hits in 3 days!  Not only is...

Nick & Sarah + BABY makes 3!

If you’ve been following me on the blog or Facebook lately, you’ll know that I’ve been very vocal about my top goal for 2011 which is (Drumroll, please….) TO HAVE A BABY.  Being the powerful intention setter that I am (and with a little help from Nick), I’m...

New & Original Sam

Sam Tsui hasn’t been posting much so I was delighted to see this brand new original come through.  Too bad he has to be a student too…  :)  Hope you enjoy it!

A Brief Encounter with Future Filipina Models

I was at Fort Santiago last Saturday enjoying lunch with my friend Christine while on break from our Advanced Photography course.  We started wandering around the park after finishing up and stumbled upon these delightful little girls frolicking by the flag pole.  Once they saw our...

Photoshop Day 1: Layers, Masks and Brushes, Oh My!

Hi all- please forgive the lack of posts this week.  I have felt like absolute crap and needed to use all my available energy to drag my butt to a 10 hour Photoshop class on Friday and an 8 hour Advanced Photography on Saturday (which I didn’t make it all the way through).  I am...

Exotic Bhutan: Our Final Hurrah in Asia

It is decided.  We’re going ALL-OUT for our final trip in Southeast Asia.  I can’t even begin to explain the ginormous amount of pressure we had placed on planning this trip… You see, it was absolutely critical that we pick the **PERFECT** trip because: It is the only...

Sarah Goes Advanced!

If you’ve been reading for awhile, you’ll recall that on Day 5 of being in Manila I started a Basic Photography Class in Fort Santiago.  Just 5 weeks later I was a Proud Graduate of Photography 101 and was no longer afraid to touch my camera!  Since then, it’s pretty...

The Downside of Manila Living

Am stuck in bed with my umpteenth attack of the “Manila Crud” (will NOT MISS that aspect of living in Manila – pollution really impacts your health!)  Doing everything I can to keep my spirits up including eating my favorite foods, watching TED Talks and listening...

My Nia Initiation

Lately Facebook has been abuzz with talk about an exercise class called Nia.  Whenever I hear something come up again and again, I just trust it’s a sign that I’m supposed to explore it further.  So that’s exactly what I did in this case.  I went to the...

A Love Poem to the Twin Cities

Got really nostalgic watching this love fest about my beloved Minneapolis/St. Paul (although may I just say that it doesn’t look like any of it was filmed in St. Paul).  Makes me excited to get some extended time there this summer!

Dim Sum Sunday

On Sunday our good friends Mark and Kristen invited us to join them for Dim Sum at Golden Seafood near Mall of Asia.  Nick had been there once before with them when I was home in Minnesota, but this was my first time trying Dim Sum in Manila. You could tell this place was the real deal...

The Mysteries of “FLOW”

I was first introduced to the concept of FLOW during my Master’s program while taking a class on Creativity.  We were asked to read Mihaly Csikszentmihaly’s book Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention. Although laborious to read at times, I ended up...

Women Power!

This Monday morning inspiration is dedicated to all the AMAZING women in my life who ROCK MY WORLD on a daily basis!  XOXO, Sarah

Honoring Magne, Sarah-style

Two weeks ago my dear client (and friend) Magne died of cancer.  She was only in her early 50’s, so her death left many young children and grand-children behind.  I knew it was important for me to find my own unique way to say goodbye to her and honor her life.  As I reflected...

A Tuscon Tribute from Sam

It’s been a long wait for a new release but this remake of John Lennon’s “Imagine” was worth it.  I think you’ll enjoy this beautiful tribute to the victims of the Tuscon shooting.

The Kiteboarding That Never Was

So when we last connected Nick and I were en route to beautiful Boracay for a weekend of kiteboarding.  While we did indeed make it to Boracay, we failed to get the kiteboarding experience that we expected to have.  When Nick showed up at the shop early Saturday morning he was told that...

A Change of Heart

OK – I’ve had change of heart and am switching my 2011 theme song to “No Day but Today” from RENT, also sung by the fabulous Idina Menzel.  While I love “Defying Gravity” I feel like this better fits with my 2011 theme of INSPIRED ACTION and...

January Discontent

No, this post is not about the weather!  :) What this post IS about is this strange pattern I see show up year after year in January!  Here’s what it looks like.  January (and the lead up to it in December) always start off with a bang.  I spend hours reflecting, getting...

Less is More

I think one of the coolest ‘take aways’ from our time in Manila is an honest-to-goodness appreciation of the concept LESS IS MORE.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve known that saying for a long, long time but never really understood it in the profound way I do now...

On Death, Dying and Filipino Funerals

In accepting this cancer work, I knew that facing loss was part of the deal . . . although part of me was hoping I wouldn’t have to deal with it so soon.  Sadly, I lost my first cancer client last night at 6:55 PM.  And even though I mentally prepared for that moment, it still hit...

A Little Inspiration for Your Day: From Homeless to Hero

Love, love, loving this story about the power of social media when used for good.  This man had been a road-side beggar for a year in Columbus, Ohio when this youtube clip went viral, generating over 6,000,000 hits.  Ted Williams has now traded in his roadside seat for a...

Reverb10: Installment 4

Hi All- One of my favorite annual traditions is to reflect on the year I’m finishing and set some intentions for the year ahead.  This year I happened to stumble across a really great tool that is facilitating the process for me.  It’s an online writing initiative titled #Reverb10...

On Vulnerability

I jumped out of bed this morning, eager to get online and see what replies had come in response to my first foray at putting myself out there as a cancer coach on some public forums.  I had spent a long time crafting a thoughtful discussion item that I hoped would both incite...

The In-laws Get Up-Close-and-Personal with the Dolphins

On Monday we had the pleasure of taking Nick’s parents to Ocean Adventure in Subic Bay for an up-close-and-personal encounter with the dolphins.  Nick and I did this back in May of 2010 and decided it was one of those must-do experiences for his parents. Boy oh boy did they love it...

Reverb10: Installment 3

Hi All- One of my favorite annual traditions is to reflect on the year I’m finishing and set some intentions for the year ahead.  This year I happened to stumble across a really great tool that is facilitating the process for me.  It’s an online writing initiative titled...