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Sarah Novak

Sri Lanka: Now on My List of Must-Visit Places

A week ago I couldn’t have even told you where Sri Lanka was (right of the Southeastern tip of India, by the way) but now I’m checking out flights there.  Why, you ask?  This beautiful picture!  Doesn’t this look stunning?! Katie (of Rock Star in Dhaka) posted it on...

Sarah Survives Acupuncture!!!

Wow, big day for this girl.  First ever Acupuncture treatment!  Truly, I’ve been wanting to do this for years, but never had the courage.  Maybe I was just being cheap too because now that I’m married to Sir Nicholas our kick-a** health plan covers 40 massages and 40...

Crazy for Comments

Hello my wonderful blog readers.  Sarah here.  Lately I’ve been craving more online interaction with my peeps.  In fact, on Facebook I actually got rid of 200 friends that I wasn’t active with.  I realized that I’m not into having lots of friends or followers for the...

Good Times at Friendship Home

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.  These kids derive so much joy from the simplest things in life and it is so amazingly heart-warming!  I just love being with them.  Screw expensive toys – just give them a wood box and a few washers…… This week...

Expat Rebellion

I.  Do.  Not.  Want.  To.  Be.  A.  Veteran.  Expat. Zoom in on me kicking and screaming as I’m metaphorically pulled to the one year mark.  “Noooooooo, we just got here!  Am I really saying good-bye to my first batch of friends and sponsoring my first incoming...

Diplomacy in Action!

As I wrote yesterday, Nick has been gone for the past 5 days on a work trip to the Southern part of the Philippines.  During his visit he got to give a speech at a University, visit a prisoner, and do outreach for Americans living down in that area.  Here are some pictures from his trip...

The Anatomy of a Perfect Husband-less Day

So, you all know that I’m a big fan of my husband and the time we spend together.  But once and a while it just so happens that I’m on my own for a few days when he’s on a work trip.  Now, I could easily choose a mopey, lonely perspective from which to while away the...

A Letter To Sam

Dear Sam, I’m afraid I must let you know that your singing makes me weak.  How can you be so talented and barely even able to legally drink?  And just when I thought I’d heard your best song yet, you go and release one that’s even better.  SIGH.  Yup, this is my new...

A New Video from the Treadmill Dancers (aka OK GO)

Hey, remember that great video by the band OK Go where they’re dancing on the treadmills?  Click HERE if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a must!  Well, they’re at it again with another creative expression of their music (this time minus the treadmills).  Enjoy!

A Weekend at the Bohol Bee Farm

Bohol has long been at the top of our list of “Favorite Places in the Philippines”.  We love so many things about it: the undeveloped nature, the quality of the diving & snorkeling, the friendly people… the list goes on and on.  The only thing we weren’t so...

I Will Not Die an Unlived Life

I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days to allow my living to open me, To make me less afraid, more accessible, To loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; To...

Party Like It’s 1999!

Turned out to be a BIG party weekend for this girl.  Felt like I was back in my early 20’s, not 1 month away from the big 3-0!  Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I went out for both Friday AND Saturday (Does that mean I’m getting old or just pitiful?).  I guess...

A Bold New Path: Sarah Novak, Cancer Coach

Hi Readers- I’m feeling very revealing this week, so here’s a big announcement that I’ve been hanging on to for awhile, waiting for the right moment to share it…. and I’ve decided today’s the day!  Here goes: This update is in regards to my business...

Real Life Experiences in Tithing

In yesterday’s post I articulated my recent revelations about tithing and the HUGE 180 degree mental shift that happened for me when I embraced Edwene Gaines’ views on tithing.  I felt it necessary to lay that foundation in order to give you both my ‘old’ and...

My New Spiritual Practice: Tithing in the 21st Century

So a few weeks back my world got ROCKED when I stumbled upon a 4-part audio series by Edwene Gaines.  She is the author of the book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, a guide on creating true abundance in your life. I’m going to be honest, this post feels a bit more intimate...

Still Rocking the Mic after all these Years

Those of you who have known me a long time know that Sarah & Singing just plain go together.  I think the best way to explain it to you would be that I have my own “Pandora” station that plays in my head (we’ll call it WSLN for simplicity sake).  At any given time...

Going Corporate

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of presenting my first Corporate workshop.  It was a DREAM gig because I  a.) got flown to a resort in Malaysia to present and b.) spent 4 hours identifying core values and writing life purpose statements with the 50 participants.  Doesn’t get any...

Chillin’ in Cebu

Just got back last night from 4 peaceful days in Cebu, the second largest city in the Philippines.  Now I should clarify, we weren’t actually in the city, we stayed on Mactan Island, which is connected to the city via a bridge.  The trip got off to a bit of a rough start...

More Posts Coming Soon

Dearest readers- I feel awful for not posting lately.  I know you don’t want to hear any excuses but… I had my first business workshop in Malaysia on Friday/Saturday (post coming on that) AND then left for Cebu with Jenna on Sunday morning (post coming on that too).  Thought...

A Nostalgic Day at Friendship Home

It’s been a fun-filled 48 hours for Jenna in Manila.  We didn’t waste any time jumping in, going directly from the airport to the American Women’s Club monthly shopper’s bazaar!  She was such a trooper after her 30 hour transit time and I just kept assuring her...


OMG, I nearly peed my pants when I learned that my favorite up-and-comer of the moment Sam Tsui is auditioning for GLEE’s open casting calls (that happens to be my favorite SHOW of the moment)!!!  Seriously, it’s too good to be true.  He’s a shoo-in, I swear (did you...

An Oasis of Calm or (Chillin’ at the Hospital)

Nick recently started physical therapy for an old/back neck injury he got 10 years ago, so part of our Saturday routine now includes him going to therapy for 2-3 hours (for the unbelievable cost of $15!)  I felt left out though, so I’ve started going to get massages each week while...

The End of an Era

May 8th, 2010 was a day of mixed emotions in the Miller household.  It was on that day that Jenna Miller (#4 in the line of great Miller gals) graduated from the College of Saint Benedict (CSB).  While we are immensely proud of her double major in Psychology and Spanish, she leaves a...

6th Grade Singing Phenom

Seriously, you know how much I love finding up and coming musical talent.  This video was spreading like viral wildfire yesterday and after watching it ohhh, maybe 10 times, I decided it was necessary for you to see it too.  Do make sure and give it about 30 seconds until he starts the...

Unlikely Friends

Hi Blog Readers, I experienced a great life lesson this week that showed me that friendships can come in all shapes and sizes.  This video is a great reminder to look past the “outer package” the friend comes in and see if you’re alike at the core.  Because...

Boracay Bliss

Wow, we’re just gearing up to head out from 4 days in Paradise.  Everyone told me that it would be sensational, and oh were they right!  It was the finest sand I have ever stepped on – think powder sugar sand – and no one even bothers to wear shoes because seaweed and...

Guest Blog Post: Dolphin Dancing

Note: This guest post is by Sarah J, who is staying with us right now.  This is her second contribution to the blog!  Maybe we’ll even get one more! On the list of things to try in life, swimming with dolphins has to make my top ten.  As it was a Sunday morning when we departed...

Teas & Trees: The Yin and Yang of our Last Two Days

Our last two days have been pretty bi-polar.  Friday was devoted to our first (of two) day trips.  We were off to see Hidden Valley Springs, a stunning rain forest paradise a few hours from Manila.  Both of us were excited, as the website said it was only 1.5 hours away (and this was a...

Guest Blog Post: Joy on a Budget

Minnesotagal’s Note: This is a big day! The first-ever Guest Blog post from my current visitor and dear friend, Sarah Lynn Jansen. I hope you enjoy the varied perspective. If you’re a fan of the guest post, make sure and leave lots of ‘love’ in the comments...

The Evolution of a Great Haircut

Sarah Jansen arrived in town late last night for her 2 week visit!  Of course, the first two things on our docket were a great new haircut and a 90 minute massage.  Both were raving hits!

25 Screaming Children Take on WaterBoom

On Saturday Nick and I had the pleasure of accompanying 25 kids from Friendship Home to a local water park (along with a few other adults thankfully!).  As I’ve mentioned before, these kind of experiences are rare for them.  I took a poll and most of the kids had only been...

A Newcomer’s Perspective

One of my blog readers named Jessica arrived at post this week.  We’re hoping to meet up for the first time in person once she and her family get settled in.  In the meantime, she posted a few of her initial reactions to Manila that I thought you’d enjoy.  I had forgotten...

An Idyllic Afternoon in Bulacan with my Carewell Friends

Life doesn’t get much better than spending an afternoon in the country with my new-found Carewell friends.  And although the gathering was set up “just because,” there ended up being much to celebrate that day, including a cancer-free scan that had come back for one...

A Step Back in Time

OMG, this is a great way to start your Monday!  Check out this remarkable video shot from a streetcar traveling down Market Street in San Francisco in 1905.  This was just one year before the earthquake/fire of 1906 destroyed the area.  It is way fascinating to see what turn of the...

Date Night with TED

For the last few years I’ve been hearing about these things called “TED” talks popping up in conversations and occasionally being circulated via Facebook and other social networking mediums.  I’d watched a few of the videos and knew they were high quality, but had...

Summer in the City

I’ve come to a very important realization in the last few weeks.  Cold temps I can do, but extreme heat is an entirely different story.  And I’m not talking the 90’s here people.  Those were the good old days.  I’m talking 100+, high humidity, sweat-in-your...

A Modern-day Leader: Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

I know that I have a tendency to over-hype things, but I tell you, this one merits the hype.  You see, in the last few weeks, Nick and I have become totally and completely addicted to Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, a new U.S. show on ABC.  What makes it so great is a combination...

Part 2: Easter Week in Batanes – Sabtang Island

Zoom in on me, looking VERY CRABBY as I waited to board our boat to Sabtang Island.  Here’s the back story…I woke up at 5:30 AM so that I could be ready to join the group at 6 AM to leave for our tour.  We drive 30 minutes to the boat dock and proceed to sit there for...

Easter Week in Batanes – The Main Island

Honestly, I can’t say enough good things about our recent trip to Batanes.  What a stunning, remote location!  It was like something that time forgot, but in an oh-so-wonderful kind of way.  It reminded me most of Hawaii and what I imagine it would have looked like before all the...

Catholic Devotion Taken to the Extreme

I have mentioned before that the Philippines has a largely Catholic population, with roughly 83% practicing.  And these are not casual church-goers either, but devoted followers of Christ.  While the majority of the time I am inspired by the spiritual practices of the Filipinos around...

Easter Preview: The Animals of Batanes

Happy Easter everyone!  I’m in the final stages of photo editing after 4 sensational days in Batanes.  I shot nearly 500 frames and narrowed it down to my best 250 for you to enjoy.  I think you’re really going to like them!  I should have something for you by...

Ahhhh….Beautiful, Desolate Batanes

Photo from Flickr Creative Commons by Bingbing I am happy to report that we are off to spend our Easter in a stunning destination called Batanes.  It’s the Northernmost point of the Philippines, about 190 km South of Taiwan.  You can see where it is in relation to Manila in the...

One Month in at Carewell: On Cancer, Courage & Coaching

Wow, it’s hard to believe, but I just crossed the 1 month mark at Carewell.  In those four weeks I was able to hold seven different group coaching sessions not only for cancer patients, but for their spouses and children as well! It has been such a gift to spend time with them.  I...

Acronyms of the Foreign Service

I recently stumbled upon another EFM (translation: Foreign Service Spouse) Blogger named David  that’s heading to Hermosillo, Mexico with his wife.  I’ve really been enjoying his content, as it provides a unique perspective – that of a male accompanying spouse.  He...

What NOT to do when an Earthquake hits Manila…

Well folks, I can now add another natural disaster to the list of things I’ve survived in my life, which currently includes: 1.  Tornadoes 2.  Blizzards 3.  Golf-ball-sized hail storms (hurts the car every time) 4.  Typhoons/Hurricanes 5.  Near-volcanic eruptions 6. ...

When Blogosphere Friends Become Dinner Guests

Have I mentioned how much I love you, my blog-reading public.  Last week we reached a new high, with over 550 of you visiting in one day!  Thank you for the L-O-V-E… I know you have many things you could be doing with your time and I appreciate it! Since I started blogging 2 years...

Tondo in the News – One Final Post

Here are a couple of great videos about Tondo that aired on TV in London last week.  Lynie, who led our tour is featured.  You’ll recognize many shots from my pictures.  And I promise, no more posts on Tondo awhile…