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Sarah Novak

Lessons from Tondo

I’m having a hard time letting go of this experience, feeling that my sharing is still incomplete.  I’m hoping that in doing one last post, I’ll feel like I did Tondo the justice it deserves. Over the last 24 hours I’ve been noticing the impact that Tondo had on...

The Scavengers of the Dump

Picture from Rage.com Instead of engaging in my typical St. Patrick’s Day activity of beer drinking and social events, I had the opportunity to do something vastly different this year.  I was invited to go on a tour with the Philippines Christian Foundation (PCF), an organization...

The Children of Tondo

Today I was privileged to get a tour of the garbage dump Tondo, home of 1.5 million of Manila’s residents.  It was one of the most humbling and disturbing experiences I’ve ever had and I still haven’t processed my experience enough to blog about it yet.  For now, the...

A Sobering Reminder

There are times when it’s easy to lull yourself into a false sense of security with this lifestyle, telling yourself that there’s no reason the bad guys would want to hurt little old you.  Unfortunately, Saturday was a tragic reminder for Foreign Service Families around the...

Pay As You Throw Programs Gaining Popularity

Okay, so I’m sorry to feature an out-dated chart, but it was the best one I could find.  I was truly inspired when I learned that over 7,100 US communities have implemented Pay-As-You-Throw Programs.  It is estimated that since their implementation, an average of 6 million tons of...

Time to Get Your Groupon!

Seriously, this concept is sheer brilliance.  The basic premise is that there’s a daily deal at a significant discount that only becomes redeemable if enough people sign up to get it on that day. It’s Ideal for businesses because they’re guaranteed a certain amount of...

Age is Just a Number

You can’t help being inspired by this couple, who still know how to have fun with each other after 62 years of marriage.  Add to that the fact that it happened at the Mayo clinic and it became a must-share in my book!

Gettin’ My Baby Fix

I really like the Chinese concept of “Year of the …”.  I think that fits well into everyone’s lives and allows us to concentrate on key priorities for that year.  For Nick & I, this is the Year of Travel and we’ve committed to getting a minimum of 10...

Look Mom, I’m an Astronaut!

Richard Branson totally inspires me.  Talk about a man who’s dedicated his life to making the impossible POSSIBLE.  Let’s take his latest project, Virgin Galactic, for example.  In this new venture of his, Richard has decided that every person deserves a chance to go into...

Reunited with Tater Tot Hotdish…The World is Right Again!

After 8 months of painful waiting, I was finally able to have my first taste of Tater Tot Hotdish overseas. Despite the simple ingredients in the recipe, it was surprisingly hard to execute.  I battled with it for months, trying to decide if I was willing to eat a sub-par version of it or...

The Long-Awaited Carewell Kick-off

Today was a big day.  It was the start of my pro-bono coaching work at Carewell, a local Cancer Resource and Wellness Community.  If you remember back, I found Carewell in the midst of a personal crisis.  Or maybe I should be cliche and say that Carewell found me.  Well, no matter who...

A Rugged, Versatile Adventure Camera: Canon’s Powershot D10

Greetings- I hope you enjoyed last week’s photo and video highlights of our time with the whale sharks.  After a weekend of extensive usage in Donsol, we have nothing but rave reviews for the Canon Powershot D10.  It truly is the perfect adventure camera with it’s...

Up Close and Personal with the Butandings

On Monday we got back from what could surely be titled one of those “once in a lifetime” adventures.  We had left early Saturday morning and flown to Legazpi, on the Southern part of Luzon, the island where Manila is located.  When we disembarked the plane we were greeted...

Swimming with the Sharks this weekend – Am I officially crazy??

I am not sure how I got talked into this, but over V-day weekend, instead of going to a romantic dinner, I will be jumping into the ocean to swim with whale sharks.  Seriously, have I lost my mind??  We will be spending the entire weekend going out in little fishing boats chasing these...

V-day Parties at Friendship Home!

Just wrapped up part 2 of our two week Valentine’s Day celebration at Friendship Home.  My Mom and Dad helped me kick it off last week when they were in town.  Last week’s party was 1/2 Bingo and 1/2 pouch making.  Mom was instrumental in planning and preparing the...

Biyahe Tayo – My favorite song of the moment

I am simply addicted to this song at the moment.  Produced by the Philippines Department of Tourism, it features 21 top Filipino artists.  It’s magical!  Take 5 minutes and enjoy the pictures and stunning harmonies…

Bangkok Recap!

Delightful, delicious Bangkok.  Like Manila in many ways, but about 20 years ahead from an infrastructure standpoint and with way better food (No offense to my Filipino friends, there’s just something unique about curry).  We got a 4 day taste of Bangkok while my parents were...

Insanely behind… be patient with me!

Greetings readers- I’m well aware that I haven’t posted in days or shown you pictures of our Bangkok trip.  The thing is, there just hasn’t been any time!  We have been go, go, going all day long at which point I tumble into bed exhausted.  It’s been fabulously...

Off to Bangkok!

My parents, Janet and Steve, arrived in Manila late on the 28th.  Instead of letting them rest and adjust to the time change, we jumped on another airplane and flew to Bangkok, where we’ll spend the next few days discovering the city together.  I’m so excited to introduce...

10 Trends for 2010 in Less than 2 Minutes

My thoughts this week have been filled with curiosity around what 2010 will hold for both myself and the planet.  Times are a changing.  Just listening to stories about what expat life was like 5 years ago leaves me in awe….it’s a cool time to be alive.  Found this video...

Yet Another Reason I’m Proud to Live in the Philippines!

This is a great example of a constructive use of “exercise time” at the Cebu Prison in the Philippines.  You may be familiar with previous videos of Michael Jackson’s hits performed by these inmates that have circulated around the Youtube.  Not surprisingly, they just...

100 Things to Watch in 2010!

Every year JWT Advertising, the largest advertising agency in the US, publishes a list of trends that will define the year.  Their intent is to identify larger social patterns that are emerging and influencing our lives.  I sooo look forward to the publishing of this list each year and...

One Year of Wedded Chaos (I mean Bliss!)

WHOA – I was just sitting back this weekend reflecting on the fact that Nick and I just crossed the one year mark for our Civil Ceremony that took place back on January 2nd, 2009 in a Maryland Courthouse.  It blows my mind to think of all the things that took place over the course...

IdeaPaint: Right Brain Meets Left Brain

With my Manila adventures becoming more routine, I thought I’d begin sprinkling in a few of the “must share” ideas and products that I come across.  This one is beyond cool.  It’s called IdeaPaint and the basic concept is that you can turn any surface into a Dry...

New Hospital about to give Makati Med a Run for Its Money…

The big news in our neighborhood this week was the opening of St. Luke’s Global City, a new hospital in Fort Bonafacio.  With 600 rooms and 400 doctors’ clinics, it’s sure to give the current front-runner Makati Medical Center some good competition.  Not that too many...

Some Real Manila Treasures

We had the pleasure of being invited to a Worst Gift Exchange Party on Thursday night.  The objective was to bring the worst thing you had in your house and wrap it up for someone else’s pleasure.  The thing is, I’ve been to these parties before and instead of trying to...

Are you there Universe? It’s me, Sarah.

I’m sure it won’t come as a shock when I say that I’ve been a bit down lately.  The 6 month mark hit hard, compounded by the Christmas factor.  Thank goodness for Rachel’s visit or it could have been really bad!  I’m pretty sure I set myself up for this...

The Bizarre but Fascinating Chinoy Cemetery

Greetings- It’s been a full couple of days and I’m horribly behind on my posting.  Just got Rachel off on the airplane this morning, so now I have a moment to catch you up on the rest of our adventures… One of the must-share experiences that we had was a trip to the...

Sarah’s Turn at the ER

Made my third trip to the ER in 6 months today.  Instead of accompanying Norma or Nick though, this time it was me checking in.  I wish I had some fabulous glory story to tell about what happened… alas, it was merely my klutzy-ness that got me into trouble once again. ...

Beautiful Bohol!

Just got back from 5 glorious days in Bohol, an island in the Southern Philippines.  As you know, my friend Rachel is visiting and we wanted to take her somewhere that would give her a feel of the island life (versus the chaos of Manila).  Bohol had been high on our list for awhile, so...

Off the Grid for 5 Whole Days!

Day 2 was a huge success by all accounts and measures.  We completed our first massage (a Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Neo Spa) and took in Mall of Asia.  Avatar at the Imax surpassed all our expectations – definitely one of those must-see films to put on your list.  I’ve...

Rachel Does Manila: Day 1

The 24 hours leading up to Rachel’s arrival in Manila were filled with non-stop pacing and a few mini panic attacks.  The mix of anticipation, concern and lack of control threw me into a tizzy.  Here’s the play by play.  She was 45 minutes late out of MSP airport due to a...

The Mis-adventures of Nick and Sarah’s First Manila Christmas

I swear, we tried our best.  There was a solid plan, we stuck to it steadfastly and yet…nothing quite turned out right.  Guess we’ll just chalk it up to that old adage “The best-laid plans oft go awry.”  In order to prevent you from making similar mistakes...

The Holidays Done Manila-style

Ah, what a strange time it’s been lately.  Holiday events wrapped up around the 15th because 50-60% of the expat population was going home.  I was doing really well up until the activity stopped and have fallen Grinch-y place over the last few days.  It’s just not fun when...

More Tea Parties & My Very First Ornament Exchange!

I know you remember the horrible “biscuit” faux pas I made at my last tea party – well not this time!  I knew a scone when I saw one and dabbed it with clotted cream and jam.  Now that’s progress!  This holiday tea party and ornament exchange was put on for the...

Nick’s 30th Birthday Party

Sadly, as seems to be the case with our family lately, sickness rained on Nick’s birthday parade.  :(   Not exactly how you want to spend your 30th.  It was just stomach issues, so we decided he could survive a small party (we refuse to let this ongoing illness ruin all our fun)...

Holiday Party at Friendship Home

I was in charge of designing a holiday party for the Friendship Home kids.  I was determined to make it highly memorable, introducing the kids to a few new holiday activities.  It didn’t take me long to decide on cookie decorating for the main activity.  Norma was in the kitchen...

Random Holiday Updates

I’ve had some fun holiday-related experiences recently that I thought I’d share with you…been running short on time to blog lately, but I’ll try to do better next week! 1.  There are lots of holiday work parties taking place right now, as you might expect.  The...

Dreaming of a White Christmas That’s Not to Be…

Dear Minnesota Friends, Please stop complaining about the snow on Facebook.  I do not feel sorry for you.  Yes, I know it’s cold and the hairs in your nose are freezing and that you’re sick of shoveling and your car got towed in the St. Paul Snow Emergency.  But that just...

Amazing IMAX Wows the Kids…And the Adults!

As I lay in bed writing this post, I can honestly say that after 5 hours with 35 eleven and twelve year olds, Nick and I are officially exhausted.  But it’s a good exhaustion, one of those moments of exhaustion where your body has given out but you can’t wipe the smile off...

Dreamy Bali – Photos Don’t Do it Justice…

I am well aware that I have been a horrible blogger lately and I promise to make it up to you.  Soon.  It’s just that there was the honeymoon and then the nasty cough decided to come back for round 2.  And those are my current excuses for today.  Please don’t stop reading...

All Templed Out

I’m quite behind in my blogging, so I thought I’d use a moment of down time to fill you in!  Nick and I are adjusting nicely to Balinese life.  We are enjoying our private water bungalow and plunge pool the most.  It’s the perfect place to lounge the day away.  In...

Our Next Family Addition – An elephant??

Greetings blog readers- Sarah here.  Remember me??  Sorry for the gap in posts!  I’ve really missed blogging these last few days, but the time and/or internet connection just wasn’t accessible.  Right now I’m currently in between flights, hanging out in Kuala Lumpur...

Our Long-Awaited Honeymoon!

As many of you know, our honeymoon had to be indefinitely postponed after our May 2nd wedding due to our transfer to Manila.  We received incredibly generous wedding gifts to fund this trip and put it in a “honeymoon fund” until Nick had enough leave time accrued for us to go...

Nick Goes Night Golfing

Nick took up golfing in Manila recently and even joined the Embassy Golf Club!  Last night he played his first round of night golf at one of the few public courses in the heart of Manila.  The fascinating thing about this course is that the 18 holes are built around the remnants of the...

The Great Christmas Tree Expedition!

We had set the intention to put up the Christmas decorations this past weekend.  Like most things in Manila, it didn’t end up going at all according to plan.  The first problem we had was that none of Nick’s Xmas decor made it here and one of my boxes was missing (although I...

Nick Gets Up Close and Personal with Hillary

BIG WEEK for Embassy Manila last week due to an impromptu visit from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  It was a whirlwind day and a half visit for her while on a tour of Southeast Asia.  Secretary of State visits require lots of orchestration, so each officer had a specific role...