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This is a collection of posts from our visits home to Minnesota.

Up, Up and AWAY! (FINALLY)

I can’t believe it, but I finally got my long-awaited Graduation gift from Nick. In May of 2007 Nick surprised me with one of the things I’ve always wanted to do – go up in a...

A Winter Fairytale Wedding

Wow, am I overwhelmed right now. As you know, we’re T minus 2.5 months and counting until wedding 2. I was doing so well lately, mainly because I wasn’t thinking about it. Then I had to...

The Wedding of the Century!

Yes! I’m married AGAIN! The 2nd time was equally magical. Over the next week or two, I’ll share some of the details of the event – from the vendors I used to my favorite pics. Today...

Highlights from the Reception

Here’s the first round of speeches from Janet (Sarah’s Mom), Robert (Nick’s Dad) and Sarah Jansen (Sarah’s friend)… I’m working on the last upload for tomorrow...

1 More Speech & Our First Dance!

Here it is folks, the last video from the day. SIGH. It’s hard to comprehend that it’s over. I can see why brides go through a little post-event let-down period. Rest assured, I’ll...

The Complete Wedding Photo Gallery!

I know this is what you’ve all been waiting for – our COMPLETE wedding gallery. Warning. There are approximately 900 shots in the gallery, so we’ve broken them down into smaller...

Making of the Wedding: Behind the Event

Being that I have event planning in my blood, it’s hard to wrap up an event without sharing some of the magnificent resources that I came across during the planning. I’m all about sharing...

Behind the Wedding: Our Cocktail Hour Harpist

Today’s wedding vendor feature is the harpist that we had play during the cocktail hour. Her name is Laurie Leigh and I found her at a bridal fair. What I loved right from the start about her...

Behind the Wedding: The Wedding Painter

Perhaps the hands-down coolest thing we did at our wedding was hire a wedding painter. Yes, that’s right! A real, live wedding painter who created a complete picture during the course of the...

Behind the Wedding: The Reception Venue

The choice of venue for the reception was perhaps the easiest decision I made. We were set on St. Paul for the location, so I set up tours for 317 on Rice Park, The James J. Hill Library, The MN Boat...

The Great MN Get-Together

I’m proud to report that a mere 24 hours after arriving in Minnesota, I was happily strolling the grounds of the Great MN Get-Together, the Minnesota State Fair!  Now mind you, I’m not...

This Is Twins Territory

On Wednesday night Jenna and I went to our very first Twins Game in the new stadium.  To be honest, I was pretty sick of hearing all the hype about this stadium and didn’t expect the...

10 Observations from My First Week in Minnesota

Minnesotans still proudly rock the ‘socks and sandals’ look (picture above of our friend Don sporting his combo at the cabin) Everyone has a fancy phone and no one knows how to use them...

Blizzard – 1, Metrodome – 0

It seems fitting that a monstrous snowstorm took out the Metrodome’s roof.  I wonder if that’ll be the end of the Vikings playing there?? Seriously, watch this clip, it is mind-blowing...

Raft U

I am well aware of the fact that I talk about my undergrad Alma Maters frequently.  And some of you may even be thinking, jeez, why doesn’t she just move on from college and embrace her adult...

A Love Poem to the Twin Cities

Got really nostalgic watching this love fest about my beloved Minneapolis/St. Paul (although may I just say that it doesn’t look like any of it was filmed in St. Paul).  Makes me excited...

Minnesota, I’m Coming Home!

I’m less than 3 weeks from returning to my beloved homeland and man oh man is . . . MINNESOTA ON MY MIND!  Bring on the cabin and Caribou and changing temps and State Fair and lawn games and...

Belly Bump Update – Week 20

Hi all-  I hit the halfway mark of the pregnancy this week and thought I’d post another picture since I’m finally starting to have a legitimate belly.  Just pulled out the first...

Operation Repatriation Has Begun

I know I’ve been MIA for too long by the large number of emails and FB messages I’ve been getting about why I’m not posting.  Thank you all for being such devoted readers who...

My Amazing Garage Sale Finds!

Little did I know that when I got back to the States I’d become a garage sale addict, but boy is it intoxicating to find great deals on barely-used baby stuff.  Seriously, for those who...

The Purchase that Nearly Did Me In

Last week was stressful.  So stressful, in fact, that I couldn’t even write about it until today when all the residual stress had been massaged out of me.  And what, you might ask, had me in...

How to Nest When You Don’t Have a Nest

I know you’re sick of hearing about baby and my amazing garage sale finds.  The thing is, that’s what I’m obsessed with at the moment.  I think garage-saling is my form of nesting...

Baby Novak Approves of Yoga + The First Kick

Big day today.  After an extensive search, I finally selected my Prenatal Yoga Studio.  I ended up choosing Blooma in St. Paul, which is devoted exclusively to Pre and Post-natal Yoga, in addition...

The Baby Has a Name!

As with all things in this pregnancy, I am finding it impossible to wait.  Yes, I could hold out on you and not tell what the name is till the birth.  But that’s just not my style...

Emily and Andrew’s Wedding Extravaganza

Miller Sisters at the Groom’s Dinner. L to R: Beth (3rd), Emily (2nd), Jenna (4th), Sarah (1st) It was a big weekend in the Miller Household.  Emily Miller (second oldest) married her...

The 2011 Turtle Lake Boat Parade

Owning a cabin is pretty dang amazing.  I mean, there was nothing like the ‘cabin lifestyle’ in Manila.  Hence, I am appreciating all my glorious time here.  As you might imagine, the...

Blissed Out

One of the best pregnancy benefits I’ve experienced thus far has been an increased awareness of my body.  I think this occurs naturally for most pregnant women, but to varying degrees...

A Message from Beyond

As I wrote yesterday, I’ve had a fascinating time tuning into my body over the course of this pregnancy.  I’ve realized that my physical body is just another way that I receive messages...

My Fantabulous Kid-themed 31st Birthday Party!

As most of you know, Nick and I have been apart since early June.  While we’ve both done pretty well with the separation, I was pretty bummed that he wouldn’t be here for my birthday on...

Nia’s 26 Week Photoshoot

Hi Blog Readers – I just got my first US ultrasound done last thursday.  Boy was the tech surprised when she casually asked if this was my first ultrasound and I replied that it was actually...

My MN Baby Shower

On Sunday afternoon my Mom and Sisters threw a Baby Shower so our friends and relatives could celebrate the upcoming arrival of Baby Nia.  Given that my Mom was in charge, guests knew that they...

Nick Gets His Wish!

Have I mentioned that my husband amuses the heck out of me?  Get this.  He’s been begging me for months to find him a baby that he can practice diapering and swaddling on.  He initially...

Nick Goes Minnesotan

Nick and I spent the last week hanging with my family at our cabin in Turtle Lake, Wisconsin.  While our ultimate goal was just to relax and enjoy each others’ company, Nick managed to try out...

Hit and Sob

So last night I decided to make my first solo trip out to Target to get some miscellaneous baby items I needed in Minnesota.  My Mom was happy to watch Nia for a bit and I was excited to get out...

Nia Meets Her Aunties

Nia got to meet her Minnesota Aunties for the first time this past weekend.  They’re helping me take care of her while I get a hang of this parenting thing. Auntie Emily Auntie Beth Auntie...

A Story in Pictures: Nia Goes to Baby Yoga

“Hey, where are we?  Who are all these other babies?  I’m going to be extra cute to make sure I get noticed!” “This yoga stuff is a piece of cake.  All I have to do is lay...

Nia’s Nervous System Checks Out

Friday was a big day for little Nia.  It was her first visit to see Dr. Tonnie at Wellness Wave.  As many of you know, I’ve been doing Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) with Tonnie for several...

An Early Miller Christmas

Since Nia and I are spending Christmas Day with Nick in DC, we celebrated early with the Miller family.  Nia was the belle of the ball in her new Christmas dress (and by new I mean ‘new to...

Happy 100th St. Ben’s!

As many of you know, the College of St. Benedict (St. Ben’s aka CSB) is near and dear to my heart.  This one-of-a-kind institution shepherded me from girl to woman and left an indelible print on...

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

Hard to believe, but today marks the 5th anniversary of our civil wedding ceremony.  I thought it’d be fun to look back at some of our early dating pictures to celebrate this milestone. March 2007...

Blast from the Past

Ahhh, the memories.  This beauty showed up in my Facebook feed last week thanks to that “Throwback Thursday” trend that’s been going around lately.  In case you couldn’t...

Love at First Sight

Oh Minnesota, how I missed thee.  I did NOT, however, miss your below freezing temps!  Either you’ve gotten worse or I’ve gotten wimpier. I do appreciate the snow though, purely for my...

Nia’s 1st Day of School

It’s hard to top the awesomeness of snow, but I think we may just have done it.  Yes, today was Nia’s first day of preschool.  As many of you know, my Mom started Lake Area Discovery Center, a...

Welcome to the World Baby Sullivan!

Great news!  I became an auntie over the weekend and Nia acquired her very first cousin (we’ve been practicing that word a lot).  Armin Allan was born to Emily and Andrew on Saturday April 5th at...

Nia’s Flower Girl Debut!

Nia and I just got back from a 1 week trip to Minnesota to attend Beth & Jim’s wedding (the 3rd of the 4 Miller gals).  The festivities began on Friday night with the rehearsal and 50...

Happiness is…

Being on the farm. Getting to pick with your very own “Nia-sized” container. Finding the “perfect” berry. Strawberry juice running down your chin. Eating a few strawberries...

Birthday Fun at Fawn-Doe-Rosa!

As many of you know, Thursday was my birthday. The big 3-5. WHOA. To celebrate this momentous day, I crammed in a whole bunch of my favorite things – Caribou mocha-drinking, garage-saling...

Fall Update

Hey folks – Long time, not talk, I know. I’m just not feeling it when it comes to blogging lately. Hopefully you’ve been getting along fine without my regular updates. :) So...

The 4th and Final Miller Girl Wedding

I’m pretty sure my Dad breathed a sigh of relief as Jenna Miller, the 4th and final Miller gal to get married, walked down the aisle last Saturday. With all 4 of us officially handed off and the...