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Not just your everyday sidewalk

Let me introduce Marcus Young, St. Paul’s official artist-in-residence. His latest project could be coming to a sidewalk near you. His idea was to take local artists’ poems and imprint...

Adventures in Service

I was reminded about the power of service trips today when I received an email from JS about her border trip. I’ve been hearing about this organization for quite some time now and thought the...

A Winter Fairytale Wedding

Wow, am I overwhelmed right now. As you know, we’re T minus 2.5 months and counting until wedding 2. I was doing so well lately, mainly because I wasn’t thinking about it. Then I had to...

Feed My Starving Children

This month I had the opportunity to do a night of service at Feed My Starving Children. I had been there in the past, but forgotten what fantastic work they do. This is yet another fabulous MN-based...


A bit of inspiration for the end of the week!

Great Depression Cooking with Clara!

I know I’ve been posting a lot of video lately but this one is downright heart-warming! Clara Cannucciari is a 93 year old woman who has risen to wild popularity recently via her Depression...

Ever wanted to become a Micro-lender?

Well, here’s your chance. Introducing KIVA, the world’s first person-to-person micro-lending site. I came across this in a magazine and just HAD to pass it along. For as little as $25...

Human Mirror

Refreshingly fun on a Tuesday! A shout out to all the twins in the world!

Find Your Great Work

Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a fabulous coaching workshop in the DC metro area. One of the keynote speakers was a man named Michael Bungay Stanier, the 2006 Canadian Coach of the Year...

3 Day Dance Series Starts Now!

It’s all dance for the rest of the week! I’m feeling inspired by the arts lately, so we’re going to feature some great work. Since I haven’t done any dance videos on the blog...

Dance Series Day 2: Diavolo Dance Company

If we’re talking about all-time favorites in dance, then I would definitely have to give my vote to Diavolo Dance Company, which I’ve seen perform 3 times at St. Ben’s. They blow my...

Dance Series Day 3: Parson’s Caught

If I was to pick out the one singular dance performance I’ve seen that’s stuck with me for years, it would be Parson Dance Company‘s “Caught”. In this video excerpt...

Envision Life Coaching Gets a Make-over!

Well, given that nearly every facet of my life is in transition right now, it makes sense that my business would need an evolution as well. I think most of you know this, but I’ve been a life...

Funeral Planning Completed: Check!

I have a feeling that I’m going to get some flack for this post, but I’m going for it anyways. Think of it as a Public Service Message (only via the internet). Having gone through the...

The Legacy of Cory Aquino

Today, as many of you know, is the funeral and burial of Corazon Aquino, President of the Philippines from 1986 to 1992.  It is impossible to ignore the impact of her life on Filipinos –...

Oh the Volunteering Options – How to choose??

Now that we’re approaching day 90, I’m really beginning to get my feet wet.  There seems to be a natural progression that plays out for expats that parallels Maslow’s heirarchy of...

The Great Flood: Update 3

Manila is finally drying out and beginning to rebuild itself.  It’s been a tough few days and the stories are heart-wrenching.  I haven’t ventured far enough out of Makati to experience...

How Hong Kong Got the Best of Me

The good news is that I can say I’ve finally been to Hong Kong.  The bad news is that I can’t say that I’ve actually seen much of Hong Kong… here’s a peek into how my 4...

Just Another Manic Monday . . .

Poor Monday – it always gets a bad rap as the worst day of the week.  I’m taking a stand for Monday!!!  I challenge you to inject your Monday with some FUN!  Here’s a little...

MJ Goes Out on Top!

All I can say is WOW.  I am still reeling 5 days after seeing Michael Jackson’s This Is It.  I can’t seem to get it out of my head… I struggle to even write a review of it, as the...

Are you there Universe? It’s me, Sarah.

I’m sure it won’t come as a shock when I say that I’ve been a bit down lately.  The 6 month mark hit hard, compounded by the Christmas factor.  Thank goodness for Rachel’s...

Biyahe Tayo – My favorite song of the moment

I am simply addicted to this song at the moment.  Produced by the Philippines Department of Tourism, it features 21 top Filipino artists.  It’s magical!  Take 5 minutes and enjoy the...

Look Mom, I’m an Astronaut!

Richard Branson totally inspires me.  Talk about a man who’s dedicated his life to making the impossible POSSIBLE.  Let’s take his latest project, Virgin Galactic, for example.  In...

A Modern-day Leader: Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

I know that I have a tendency to over-hype things, but I tell you, this one merits the hype.  You see, in the last few weeks, Nick and I have become totally and completely addicted to Jamie...

Unlikely Friends

Hi Blog Readers, I experienced a great life lesson this week that showed me that friendships can come in all shapes and sizes.  This video is a great reminder to look past the “outer...

6th Grade Singing Phenom

Seriously, you know how much I love finding up and coming musical talent.  This video was spreading like viral wildfire yesterday and after watching it ohhh, maybe 10 times, I decided it was...

The End of an Era

May 8th, 2010 was a day of mixed emotions in the Miller household.  It was on that day that Jenna Miller (#4 in the line of great Miller gals) graduated from the College of Saint Benedict (CSB). ...


OMG, I nearly peed my pants when I learned that my favorite up-and-comer of the moment Sam Tsui is auditioning for GLEE’s open casting calls (that happens to be my favorite SHOW of the moment)...

Going Corporate

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of presenting my first Corporate workshop.  It was a DREAM gig because I  a.) got flown to a resort in Malaysia to present and b.) spent 4 hours identifying core...

My New Spiritual Practice: Tithing in the 21st Century

So a few weeks back my world got ROCKED when I stumbled upon a 4-part audio series by Edwene Gaines.  She is the author of the book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, a guide on creating true...

Real Life Experiences in Tithing

In yesterday’s post I articulated my recent revelations about tithing and the HUGE 180 degree mental shift that happened for me when I embraced Edwene Gaines’ views on tithing.  I felt...

A Bold New Path: Sarah Novak, Cancer Coach

Hi Readers- I’m feeling very revealing this week, so here’s a big announcement that I’ve been hanging on to for awhile, waiting for the right moment to share it…. and...

I Will Not Die an Unlived Life

I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days to allow my living to open me, To make me less afraid, more accessible, To loosen my...

A Letter To Sam

Dear Sam, I’m afraid I must let you know that your singing makes me weak.  How can you be so talented and barely even able to legally drink?  And just when I thought I’d heard your best...

USA may be out of the World Cup…

but we’ll always have this FAB Shakira video to cherish.  I swear, the way that woman moves her hips is mesmerizing… it should be illegal! If you’re more into live performances...

Sam’s Summer Pop Medley

In celebration of being back in Manila, I thought we’d all enjoy a little Sam to start our day off right!  It’s been at least two weeks since I shared something of his with you, so I...

Ear Candy!

Can’t get enough of this new song by Sara Bareilles!  It’s on continuous play in our house at the moment…. enjoy!

Moving Through Darkness

The following is from DailyOm, a personal development site my friend Liz introduced me to that provides a daily dose of wisdom or inspiration.  What amazes me is how succinctly the authors can write...

A Loan for Teresita

Our good friends Andrea and Brian gave me a very cool birthday gift this year – a $25 gift certificate for a loan to give out on Kiva.org, a micro-lending site.  (Check out this post I wrote...

A Perfect Mash-up

Can’t think of a much better combo than this: Seize the Day from Newsies set to Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.  It has a very old-school cool kind of feel to it… enjoy!

Christmas in July at Friendship Home!

I have the most heart-warming story to share with you today!  Back in April you’ll remember that Nick and I accompanied the Friendship Home kids to the Water Park (CLICK HERE to read that...

A Weekly Dose of Sam

Due to my unwavering love of Sam Tsui, I’ve decided to start featuring a different song each Thursday until I run out of selections or get sick of him.  Did you take your ‘Sam...