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An Evening at Bacon House

Last night we had the opportunity to attend a reception hosted at the Bacon House by the Diplomatic and Consular Officers, Retired (DACOR). It was such a delightful evening, with each of the retired officers and their spouses sharing stories about the different posts that we’re heading off to. We each wore a nametag with the flag of our post, so it was easy to identify where everyone was off too. One thing we heard over and over was how the retired officers would give anything to be going back to the beginning of their career and starting it all over again. That’s comforting to hear!

Another highlight of the evening was hearing a brief speech from Harry Thomas, Director General of the State Department. Not only did he address the group, but Nick and I had a chance to talk with him personally later in the evening. He is an impressive man with a whole list of accomplishments to his name. And then there was the beautiful house, which is owned by DACOR and used for all of their functions. It was in the heart of downtown DC and filled with marvelous historic artifacts. I’m off to catch my plane back to MN. It’s been a full week but thankfully I only have 14 days until Nick and I see each other again! Much better than 5 weeks!