We’re all about new experiences lately and this definitely fit the bill. My in-laws live on beautiful Chesapeake Bay and they invited us over for a crab-eating shindig before we left the country. All in all there were 7 of us there, 6 of which were employed in the foreign service at one time or another (I was definitely the odd-one out!) The beautiful crabs you see above are straight from the Bay.
Eating a crab is way trickier than you think and requires lots of tools: a mallet, a fingerbowl, towels, paper on the table and a garbage nearby! Crabbing is also NOT a formal affair, I learned. As you whack your mallet down on the crab, those shell pieces fly everywhere! I recommend apologizing to your neighbor in advance… it saves time later! For the Minnesotans like me who perhaps haven’t had the opportunity to whack a crab with a mallet, here’s a 2 minute instructional video on the process from my father-in-law:
I’m afraid I haven’t mastered the process yet, so I’ll have to pass any questions you have on to the experts …. Happy crabbing!

I have never had crab like that before, but it looks so yummy! I watched the video closely in case I ever have the opportunity to each crabs like that one day, I will know how to. Thanks for posting!