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The Rules of the Road

I’ve been driving all of 10 days by now, so I thought I’d share what I’ve learned about the rules of the road here in Malawi:

1. Avoid hitting livestock that’s crossing the road (remember, that’s someone’s livelihood!)


2. Along those same lines, avoid hitting PEOPLE, now matter how close they may walk/bike to your car. Note: This is my #1 goal while I’m here.


3. Beware of over-sized objects being carried on bikes or cars that may restrict passing. There will be no signs or red flags on said objects.


4. Two lanes is a luxury, not a given. Be ready to drive in the ditch when faced with another car (or bike, for that matter). Also be aware that the road is literally disintegrating and there will be no consistency in the shoulder (oh, who am I kidding, there will be no shoulder either).



5. When two lanes are not present and two cars meet, a game of chicken will ensue. The larger car does not always win. Be prepared to go in the ditch or lose your side mirror.


6. Appreciate the creativity and resourcefulness of Malawians at all times. While the fact that they’re hauling lumber on their bike on the highway may annoy you during your morning commute, you must give them props for their ability to work within their resource constraints. (Major props to the woman I saw balancing a 5 foot long log on her head!)


7. Moments of panic will ensue often when you’re sitting driving in the front right seat and need to make a right-hand turn that’s really like a left-hand turn in your American car. You will also hit your windshield wipers every time you mean to hit the turn signal because some brilliant car engineer switched those up too. Just get used to everything being backwards and you’ll do great!


So there you have it. Now you, too, are ready to drive in Malawi. Doesn’t it sound like fun??