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A Meet and Greet with Peruvian Farm Animals


It’s summer here and we’ve been capitalizing on the good weather by doing lots of fun outdoorsy stuff.  One of our adventures this week was a trip to Granja Arriero (Arriero Farm), a small farm/petting zoo an hour outside of Lima, near Pachacamac.  Nia’s obsessed with animals as of late, so I knew this would be a HUGE HIT.  What I didn’t expect was all the fun we’d have with other Peruvian children!


Due to the fact that it’s summer break, there was a whole group of kids there.  I was touched by how sweet they were to Nia, bringing animals over for her to pet and being patient with her crazy antics (aka: ADD tendencies).  A couple of them even decided to stay with us the entire time we were there!  Here she is petting a cuy (guinea pig).  This will probably be someone’s dinner soon, as cuy is crazy-popular here in Peru.  Peruvians are always shocked when I tell them that we keep Guinea Pigs as pets in the US.  I have yet to try one, but I feel it wouldn’t be right to leave Peru without at least a bite.  I’ll keep you posted.


Dogs are Nia’s favorite animal of the moment, but the bunnies and guinea pigs seemed to capture her attention quite nicely as well.  That is, until she saw someone holding a cell phone….


And as usual, she managed to use her charm to acquire the cell phone for her enjoyment.  Honestly, I am amazed at how frequently people hand over their phones to my child!


Nia’s other obsession of the moment is “Big Kids”.  Basically, if there are older kids doing something interesting, then she’s eager to try it too.  Here she is giving it a go on a rope swing.  I do admire how willing she is to try things though – she’s definitely a risk taker!

It was a lovely afternoon and we plan to venture back again next summer (and maybe even take Daddy along too).