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Interview Day!

Surprise, Surprise. Today (Tuesday) has something BIG and IMPORTANT in it too. What happened to those good old routine days I used to have where my largest decision was what I would make for dinner?? Long gone…. SO- Today’s big event is an interview with our Career Development Officer (CDO). During this interview we go through our bid list and defend our ratings using the priorities we selected. The CDO then has the opportunity to challenge our ratings and gather more information about why we selected what we did. Based on this feedback, we are then given 2 more days to make any final revisions before submitting our final list. After that our hands are tied and it’s up to them. All we do is count down the days until February 13th when we find out where our next two years will be spent! Kind of exciting and scary all at the same time, isn’t it? I’m thanking my lucky stars that one of Nick’s greatest skills is debating/defending (I knew the radio career would come in handy!). Cross your fingers for us!