Oh my goodness gracious. What is happening to my life!? I just picked up a package at the post office and learned that I am now the proud owner of a Head Flashlight. Nick was in charge of ordering us some nice durable flashlights and THIS is what he got for us. Note to self: do not delegate shopping to Nick anymore! What the heck does one do with this contraption?! Suggestions anyone??? Perhaps I’ll wear it out on the town as a very sexy fashion accessory. Or maybe it’ll come in handy for all those nights we spend in the jungle?? Seriously Nick, what were you thinking?!? Try not to be jealous of my new delight!
curious question. . . . what kind of earrings makes the best ensemble when wearing a headlamp? :)
Not sure… suggestions? I was thinking a small earring, to prevent detracting from the main accessory!
Hi – you don’t know me, but my husband and I are friends with your new mother and father in law. I love your blogs – I was a writer/editor with the Department’s Office of Inspector General for eight years and served overseas as the community liaison coordinator at two posts overseas, Bucharest and Frankfurt. Anyway, what I was getting at is you are a great writer and I hope this is something you are pursuing as one of your life goals.
Back to your question about the head flashlight – you will not believe how amazingly wonderful they are. You can pretty much do anything you need or want to do in the dark with your hands free – and you’ll be astounded at just how many things you need to do in the dark with both hands free. So enjoy and color coordinate your earrings with the headband that the light is attached to.
Have a great time in Manila. Best, Chris
Chris- Thanks for the kind words. I’m really getting a kick out of blogging! It’s such a delightful way to document daily life. I’m just going to have to trust you on the flashlight thing. I’m still a bit skeptical, but I’m sure I’ll eat my words in the future sometime when it comes in really handy! Looking forward to meeting you sometime!
Well…headlamps are awesome for camping or night hiking! They provide lots of light and you still have use of both of your hands. That’s what we use ours for!
Christina, my dear – Can you see me camping or night hiking? I think not! So let’s go back to the original question of why I need one of these things!
My midwife used one of those while I was giving birth in a darkened room. Maybe you have a new career calling?