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Our New Home in D.C.

Welcome to our new D.C. home for the next 4-9 months. Nick will be keeping it nice and clean for us while I’m back in MN until early May. Let me take you on a quick tour… it won’t take too long!







So there it is! We have a 1 BR apartment with a balcony overlooking the central pool and tennis courts. One of my favorite luxuries of this place is the weekly maid service. That rocks! All in all, there are about 2200 people staying in our complex, so it’s always hopping. Everyone is very friendly and the complex promotes socialization by hosting all sorts of activities including volleyball, cooking classes, yoga, Sunday brunch, etc. I’ve also met quite a few other people at the workout facility. Yup, I think this place will do just fine… tonight’s my first dinner party with one other couple, so I’m off to go shopping for the meal! One thing I’ve seen very early on is that you must be willing and able to entertain guests/colleagues if you want to become a part of this community. Good thing that I was born to entertain! Perhaps that’s why Nick married me??!