This weekend brought excitement a little bit too close to home. Our beloved Greenbelt 5, which is a two minute walk from our place, was subject to an armed robbery. The seven person team of robbers were dressed in police uniforms and arrived in the mall’s basement parking lot at noon Sunday. They leaped out of a van and bypassed a security guard (even though they were clearly armed) by telling him that they were being called in to investigate a bomb threat. The armed robbers then proceeded up to the main level and attempted to rob the Rolex store.
Thankfully, two bodyguards of a local mayor were nearby and ran to the scene with their guns drawn. One of the robbers was shot dead and the group changed course. Before they left the building though, they shot off several rounds of bullets. I’m pleased to say that very few were injured though! This hits just a little bit too close to home, as I literally pass by this Rolex store an average of three times a week. Not good, especially since only two years before there was a bomb that went off in Glorietta Mall, just a few blocks away.
It’s a good reminder that there are inherent dangers no matter where you live and it’s always important to be aware. That being said, I plan to take extra precautions these next few months, as I’ve been warned that the level of crime rises in proportion to the closer we are to Christmas, as desperate people need money to buy Christmas presents for their loved ones.
Today I’m giving thanks that Nick and I are safe. I wouldn’t mind though if the neighborhood quieted down a bit. First typhoons and now gunshots! Makes me miss the days when blizzards were the scariest thing that could impact me…
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