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The Long-Awaited Gender Result…

Baby Novak’s Brain! (a top view)

As you all know, I’m quite impatient in general, so this whole baby gender thing has been on my mind since we found out we were pregnant 11 weeks ago.  Thankfully, Nick also had a desire to know early (and was okay with me telling the whole world what it would be via the blog and FB).  I love that when we’re on the same page!

When I went to Singapore 2 weeks ago, the Doctor gave me a prediction of what the gender would be with 80% certainty.  Our appointment today was with our Manila OBGYN, who was able to confirm the Singapore Doctor’s prediction.  And so…. DRUM ROLL PLEASE…..

Baby Novak is a GIRL!!!

As a little treat for today, I leave you with a short video of Baby Novak sucking/eating something.  If you look at Baby Novak’s head on the upper left side, you’ll see the movement.  Don’t confuse the mouth with the heart, which is pulsing down on the lower right-hand side!

**Final Note: The Doctor said that they can never confirm girls with 100% certainty because the scans can miss/hide things.  I’m feeling confident with 2 different Doctors saying it was a girl, but we have another 3D scan in a month that should really seal the deal.  Until I see otherwise, I’m going with girl!

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