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My First AWCP Bazaar

It’s a big week, activity-wise. In typical Sarah fashion, I’ve decided to plunge right in. Be sure and check back in a month – I’m sure I’ll be totally overwhelmed. On Wednesday I have my first meeting for the American Women’s Club of the Philippines. I’m so pumped! They’re all about three things – Charitable projects, Networking and Socializing. Lucky for me that those are three of my favorite things too!

Each month the American Women’s Club of the Philippines (AWCP) puts on a charitable bazaar, showcasing products from local merchants. My new friend Beth convinced me to go this morning, suggesting that I get an idea of the kinds of goods sold (for holiday presents) and meet some members of AWCP in advance of the meeting. Let me tell you, this is THE EXPAT spot to be. Not just Americans either, but expats from all over. Even though shopping was the main draw, you could tell that the event was just as much about socializing with the person you hadn’t seen in 30 days. Suffice to say, I fit right in. Beth brought me around and introduced me to other Embassy folk while we perused the wares. I wasn’t feeling ready to buy things yet, so I just scouted everything out to see what I want to get next month. Good stuff…

The Bazaar took place in the Trade Center, a large convention-center facility. The vendors were primarily selling jewelry, food, clothing and housewares. What amused me most is that many of the clothing vendors were selling over-runs of US brands that are produced in the Philippines. In my brief time looking through the racks I saw BCBG, MaxMara, Macy’s brand Alfani and Abercrombie. Kind of fun to see because I’m assuming that they are this season’s clothes. Prices were a bit higher than average but since it supports charity that didn’t seem to bother people. There’s also a $2 admission fee, so that keeps the pick-pockets out. For those of you planning to visit, you may want to make sure your trip falls on a week when there is a Bazaar. This is definitely the way to shop!

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