Oh the beautiful bobbles I saw today. Pearls as far as the eye could see… and like most things in Manila, very reasonably priced! Today I participated in a group trip to Greenhills Pearl Market, featured in Vogue as one of the 10 best-kept shopping secrets in the world! I was so over-stimulated that I couldn’t even buy one strand. I just walked down row after row touching the beautiful strands in hundreds of colors. Lucky for me, I went with a pearl expert that took our group to her favorite stands and taught us the in’s and out’s of pearl buying. It’s all about color, shape and no blemishes.
I have never even worn pearls but now I have my eye on 3 sets (pink, classic ivory and tahitian). I opted to hold off on buying because it was inevitable that I’d be back many, many times and I wanted to do some research first. You see, you can select your strand (or multiple types) and have them fashioned into any style of pearl necklace you’d like. Maybe you want spacing between the pearls or a few dangling from a chain or silver rings in between the pearls. It’s all possible, my friends! For those of you coming to visit, do some research in advance of what style and color you’d like and we’ll have it made! Can you see why this was overwhelming??? I’ll be sure an update you when I get my first strand. I think pearls and I are going to get along JUST FINE. Oh, and Nick? It’s better if you don’t come. It’s hot and crowded and you’d hate it anyways… just leave the purchasing to me. :)
I have enjoyed your blog tremendously! I am trying to join the FS and hearing good exeriences by others is encouraging! Keep it up! With thanks, Kristina
That’s fantastic Kristina – it’s been a great life for us thus far. When you get passed the written exam, feel free to reach out again. I’m sure my husband would be happy to answer some of your questions about the oral and point you toward some resources. Thanks for reading!