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The Escape Bag

escape bag

Today I’m going to educate you on the concept of the Escape Bag. First, a brief history on my introduction to the Escape Bag. When Nick and I had been dating for a few months I started to become annoyed by this black messenger bag that sat right in his living room next to the TV. We had spent weeks putting together this beautiful new living room arrangement and this bag was wrecking the experience for me. I had deduced that it wasn’t a work bag and so one day I got on his case about it. I think I said something like, “Why must this bag stay here? Why don’t I find a new spot for it?” To which he replied. I need it there. It’s my Escape Bag. WHAT? And so began my education on Escape Bags.

The Bag contains all vital documents including: wills, birth certificates, marriage certificates, immunization cards, etc. The reasoning behind the Bag is that if there were an immediate evacuation at your post (or a fire or natural disaster), all you’d collect was your Escape Bag (containing all vital documents) and family members and get out of the country. That was such a far-removed situation for me to imagine in Minnesota, that I ended up teasing him mercilessly for the bag. “Quick Nick, where’s your bag?” or “Let’s do a practice escape!” I just couldn’t fathom that this could be something you planned for… It turns out that this is not so far-fetched. We were actually suggested to do this as a best practice in our Security Overseas Seminar – I was floored!

Well, here I am today proudly displaying our family’s Escape Bag. It is fully loaded and ready to Rock ‘n Roll in Manila. Bring on the evacuation – we’re ready! 3 days and counting until Wheels UP!

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