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I Knew It was Too Good to Last

I am officially registering a complaint!

At 36 1/2 weeks, pregnancy is no longer fun.  Yes, up until Saturday, I would have told you that I was having a jolly good time being pregnant.  I felt like my tummy was relatively compact and sitting higher up (which was nice for my bladder).  My body felt great physically – no aches, lots of energy, no waddling even!  And honestly, it’s been good like this since the end of the first trimester, so after 22 weeks of feeling awesome, I kind of forgot that pregnancy could suck.

And just like that, all the goodness went away.  I had a tough night sleeping and woke on Sunday to find my ankles swollen.  My belly also started to drop, which added pressure to my bladder (although I’m getting a break on all the rib kicks).  What’s worse though is that the weight of the baby is pressing on my sciatic nerve, which is causing shooting pains to run from my low back all the way down my leg.  Little did I know what was coming though…

I awoke Monday morning and the leg pain was still there, but when I went to stand up, my leg gave out on me!  No lie, for the last 24 hours I’ve been unable to put any pressure on my right leg!  It’s horrible – I’m super immobile and have to hobble to get around the apartment.  I’ve been massaging it like crazy but can’t seem to get any relief.  The idea of dealing with this for the next 4 weeks seems dreadful, but I’ve been told by my doctor that there isn’t anything you can do about sciatic nerve pain (because it’s a nerve, not a muscle).  I am open to ideas through, so if you’ve dealt with anything similar, please let me know if you found any relief!

Until then, I’ll be mourning the loss of my mobility and keeping my eye on the prize.  Maybe Nia will decide to have pity on her mama and come a few weeks early…

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