Well, here’s your chance. Introducing KIVA, the world’s first person-to-person micro-lending site. I came across this in a magazine and just HAD to pass it along. For as little as $25, you can select an entrepreneur in an impoverished country that you want to fund. Loans are typically repaid over a 6-12 month period and you’ll get journal entries from your entrepreneur to find out how they’re doing! You may even enjoy the process so much that you start it all over again once you’ve been repaid!!
All the entrepreneurs are pre-screened by micro-lending organizations that KIVA partners with, so you can be assured your money is being put to good use. The site has actually been so popular that depending on when you check it, there may be more lenders available than loans to fund. How cool, huh? Last week alone, over $2,000,000 was lent out. If this interests you, click on the link above to learn more about the organization and get registered as a lender! These make great gifts too…