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Making the Intangible Tangible

Warning: This is not a standard Novakistan post!  I’m hoping you won’t mind though, as I’d really love to get your initial impressions.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working with Sonia Miller of Success for the Soul on a Vision for my new coaching business, CanceRevolution.  Sonia doesn’t believe in compartmentalizing, so doing a vision for my business ALSO means doing one for my life, as all facets of life are inter-connected.

The process started with me free-writing pages upon pages about the how, what and why of my vision.  I then distilled that down to a Business and Life Purpose Statement.  From there, I went back to my pages of notes to create the final Vision.  In Sonia’s process, everyone’s final product ends up looking different.  Some may end up with a picture collage, some a single sentence, some a page-long vision statement.

Surprisingly, mine emerged as a series of affirmations about who I am (or am working towards) being in the world.  Honestly, the end result surprised even me.  The most amusing part is that I’ve been trying to write affirmations for the better part of a year and just couldn’t come up with any that fit.  Then, lo and behold, here they are springing out of my vision work.  Crazy cool.

What I’d love from you is if you’d read through the list of affirmations and comment on one or two that speak to you.  What was it about that statement that you liked?  Please also feel free to offer up slight wording choices that may make the statement even more powerful.  I’m very open to playing with these right now and would really benefit from some input on them.

I wasn’t expecting to share this publicly (usually this is something I’d just hang on my office wall), but I’m really drawing amazing energy and support from this blogging community and believe you have valuable insights to add.  I also think this is a good way for me to take a public stand for the things I want my life to represent.  Thanks in advance for your input!

PS – If you’re interested in doing a similar vision process yourself, check out Sonia’s Vision Workshop or start by reading her book The Attraction Distraction.


Business Purpose Statement: CanceRevolution shows individuals how to use adversity as a catalyst for transformation.

1. I firmly believe that we are powerful beings who can choose how we want to be with the circumstances of our life.

2. I provide light in my client’s darkest hour, finding hope where they see none.

3. I never stop doing my own personal work so that I can serve my clients better.

4. I live in a perpetual state of awe and wonder.

5. I witness resilience and courage on a daily basis in my clients and never fail to let it move me.

6. I engage with my client’s strength, not their fear.

7. I am an example of resilience and possibility to all who are facing adverse conditions.

8. I stand as a constant reminder that anything is possible in our lives if we listen to our heart and take BOLD action toward our dreams.

9. I create a safe place for individuals to explore what they’re capable of so they may go out and create radical shifts in their physical world.

10. I breathe unconditional love, hope, empathy and trust into the safe space I provide for my clients’ exploration.

11. I recognize that my work is spirit-filled and allow it to transform me as I heal others.


Life Purpose Statement: I orchestrate experiences that awaken you to your potential and enable you to fully embrace your life’s purpose.

Way of Being Affirmations

1. I have no constraints around what life ‘should’ look like.

2. There is a perfect alignment between my being and doing, which magnetically attracts people and opportunities to me.

3. I am intentional about how I show up in the world, striving to be coach-like and in-the-moment at all times.

4. I am conscious of the energetic impact I have on others and use this awareness to ignite a spark in them.

5. I embrace each person, day and opportunity for the gift they are.  I do not differentiate between big and small, delighting in the smallest of pleasures.

6. I am authentically one-in-the-same no matter what setting you see me in.

7. The flow of people in my life is ever-changing.  There are no permanent good-byes, only future reunions.

8. I know unequivocally that I am enough and am using my life to do good in the world.

Prosperity Affirmations

1. I achieve financial success by consistently living from a place of integrity and authenticity.

2. I believe the source of my abundance is also the way in which I serve the world.

3. I trust that with source’s assistance, the money I need at any moment in time will flow accordingly.

4. I allow myself to spend on things that are important to me without fear.

5. I pay myself first so that I can leave a lasting legacy for those who follow.

Source Affirmations

1. Creativity is the currency I trade in, my energy source, where flow comes from.

2. My creativity lies in ideas, in manifesting – taking something from conception to reality.

3. My creativity is the breath that gives life to anything I desire.

4. Source creates through me; I am merely a conduit.

5. My deep connection to Source enables me to give life to my greatest desires.

Purpose Affirmations

1. I am the glue that holds communities together.

2. Compartmentalization doesn’t exist in my life.  The community I live in is also where I work and create.

3. Each move I make causes hundreds of ripple effects that transform my community for the better.

4. I utilize everything I bring to the table, but am not afraid to seek out individuals whose skills & talents complement mine.

5. I surround myself with individuals who are farther along the path than I, allowing myself to be pulled forward by their wisdom and example.

6. I am the creator and manager of a living/learning/healing community made up of people I’ve encountered throughout my life.

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