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A Pleasant Surprise

Today I want to tell you a bit about the complex process involved in getting our things from here to there. As many of you may remember, each post we’re given a certain amount of poundage that we can bring with us. The poundage falls into three categories–hand carry...

Checking Out Almaty from Above

Our hike on Saturday was so enjoyable that we opted to venture out again on Sunday. We’ve noticed that Kazakhs are late risers, which makes mornings the perfect time to go out exploring. This time, our destination was Kok Tobe (literally, blue hill), a 3500 ft mountain at the edge of town...

Moving Pains

New houses (especially ones in countries other than your own), require an adjustment period whereby one must acclimate to the nuances of that specific house. Much like a teenager goes through growing pains, we always go through a period I like to call “moving pains”. Common...

Soft Landing

It feels quite fitting to be sitting in the kitchen at 4 AM writing to you. In fact, this middle-of-the-night blog post appears to have become a rite of passage for each new home we inhabit. Remember when I wrote to you in Malawi? And India? Feels like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it? Well...