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Spring Break Fun

Nick isn’t allowed to take any vacation days during his year of language training, so when Nia’s week-long spring break rolled around, we came up with the next best thing–we had her Grandparents come here! This is no small thing, as Nick’s Parents, Robert &...

The Art of Pysanky-Making

Happy Easter All! Today I wanted to share a bit about a unique experience Nia and I got to take part in last weekend. As I’ve mentioned before, Nia’s public school is the equivalent of a mini United Nations–a diverse mix of kiddos from different religious, cultural and...

Squat, Pop, Yelp

Hey Readers- How goes it? We’ve been having the most glorious non-wintery weather here in DC (recent high of 78!) and I am absolutely L-O-V-I-N-G it. Turns out that the winter weather I was longing for in Mumbai is much nicer in theory than reality (as I learned the hard way on my...