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Updates Galore!

Hello! I’m back!! Happy holidays everyone. I hope you are taking in all the special aspects of this season. I, for one, am loving the Christmas light displays on houses, something we don’t see much when living outside the U.S. due to the prevalence of apartments. I have lots...

Now THIS is America!

One of the best aspects of this unexpected U.S. time has been the opportunity for Nia to have some quintessential American experiences. In fact, the last few weeks of been full of them! Please allow me to share . . . :) When new friends invited us to come see their daughter perform at the...

Nia’s High-Flying 13th Birthday

I’m not sure how this is possible, but we have an honest-to-goodness teenager now! That’s right, our little girl is 13 years old! Her interests have become more focused over the last 12 months and currently include: history, geography, drawing, and reading. We were fortunate...

Bend’s Identity, Trait 3: West Coast Vibes

Hi All – This is the third and final post in my series about Bend’s “personality traits”. The final aspect I want to touch on is what I refer to as “West Coast Vibes”, which to me means a free-spirited, open-minded, anything-goes aesthetic. I was reminded of this on our first full day in...