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Bend’s Identity, Trait 2: Outdoor Ease

I was shocked to step foot in Oregon for the first time to discover that it was not, in fact, wet and green like I’d imagined it. In reality, half of Oregon—including Bend—falls in a climate zone called the high desert. The ‘high’ part comes from the fact that much of Oregon sits above...

Bend’s Identity, Trait 1: Extreme Athleticism

Over my 10+ years of visiting Bend, I’ve come to notice a few distinct ‘personality traits’ of the city, namely—extreme athleticism, outdoor ease, and west coast vibes. I’ll leave the latter two for a future post and focus solely on extreme athleticism today. Bend has a lot of natural...

A Bit About BEND

Hello dear ones – Lots has happened since I last wrote. Nia completed her first three weeks of school and even went away for a two-night 7th grade bonding experience at a camp an hour outside Bend. There have been the typical highs and lows one expects with middle school, but all in...

Getting Settled in Bend

Today marks the end of our fourth (very full) week in Bend. In many ways, I’ve treated this like yet another overseas assignment because we had to do all the usual ‘setting up house’ things like finding schools, doctors, friends, and new activities. I’m not much for slow starts. I’d much...