So, I’ve noticed that I have the tendency to become a spokesperson for many of the organizations that I affiliate with. Take today for instance, I’m just minding my business when the Hourcar manager calls up and asks if I’d be willing to talk to a reporter about my experience with car sharing. Sure, I think, why not? Sounds fun. I love to talk, so what’s the harm. I have no idea how I got selected for this coveted honor. Next comes the call from the reporter, Stephanie Hemphill of MPR, to be exact. But this isn’t just your typical print interview- no, she’d like me to take her for a ride in the car and do the radio interview then (in addition to the print piece). And so I arrive at 11 AM to pick her up at MPR. She comes wearing all sorts of gear- recording equipment, microphones and a camera. I started to panic a teeny bit at this point- WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO? I’m having visions of crashing the car with the reporter in it because I’m trying to sound intelligent and drive all at the same time. Wouldn’t that be a story for her to report! Well, I’m happy to report no crashes… she interviewed me for over a half hour, while we were stopped thankfully! Then she had me drive her around a bit and show her how to return the car and lock it using the key fob. So stay tuned…. my MPR debut will be on Wednesday morning on the radio and the print piece comes out that day as well. Now you can say you knew me before I was famous. If you miss it, don’t worry- this makes for FABULOUS blog material!