Hello – Welcome to this overview of “Millers Take Mexico 2009”. We’re going to do only a brief bit of commentary and let the pictures speak for themselves. Photo 1: Our favorite place to spend the day (The Pool). This resort was perfect for the Millers because not only could we suntan at the pool, but participate in a variety of other activities: water volleyball, water aerobics, bingo, arts and crafts, cooking classes. Everything was centered around the water. We became very well-known at the resort as the Minnesota People because we liked to participate in every activity and convince those around us to join in as well….
Photo 2: My Getaway. I fell in love with this daybed on our veranda. I read over 1200 pages out here over the course of the week. It was the only spot I could find that a.) had a cool breeze, b.) overlooked the ocean and was c.) often free of other Millers.
Photo 3: The Beaches of Nayarit. My parents are now the proud owners of 2 weeks of timeshare in Puerto Vallarta. My parents frequently attend time-share presentations so that we can get half-off our activities for the week (helpful with 6 people). This is probably the 5th or 6th one they’ve attended. Who’d have thought they’d actually buy this time! Guess we’ll be back…
Photo 4: The Group. 3 Miller Girls (minus Beth). 1 Mom. 1 Dad. 1 Aunt. 2 Friends. All in a 2 bedroom villa!
Photo 5: Out on the Town at Pepes Restaurant. First time we’ve had the entire family over 21. Check out the size of those drinks ladies and gentleman!
Photo 6: 1 exhausted Dad. Poor guy. I think the 7 ladies wore him down. Look at how even when he’s sleeping he’s ready to spring into action.